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Yin for Frustration
Relax and Restore
1h 0m
When the liver meridian is out of balance we can experience more anger and frustration. This practice is a balancing practice for the liver/gallbladder and offers a safe space to land exercising peace and patience.
Up Next in Relax and Restore
Yin for the Heart and Lungs
This 60 minute yin practice focuses on the heart and lung channels and ends with a rejuvenating guided relaxation.
Well Rounded Release
Delicious yin yoga practice for the hips, spine and shoulders
Yin for the Spleen: Faith over Worry
The Spleen meridian when balanced represents faith, intention and honesty. When out of balance we can experience worry, angst and self-doubt. This practice focuses on bringing attention and energy to the inner legs, hips, spine, throat and tongue to balance the Spleen Meridian and ground our ener...