Vinyasa Krama Brush Strokes
14 Seasons
Vinyasa Krama in the tradition of Krishnamacharya is a beautiful, artistically expressive and highly adaptable system. The āsana practice involves hundreds of shorter sub series inside 11 major umbrella series plus winding down procedures and mudras. This section guides you through some of those key sub series for personal exploration in your own practice...the brush strokes in the art of yoga.
03:19Episode 1
Preparations for Paścimatānāsana
Episode 1
This entry to Paścimatānāsana helps the spine's elasticity before entering longer holds in the posture as either a mudra or further vinyasas.
11:31Episode 2
Supported paścimatānāsana vinyasas
Episode 2
Supported (salamba) Paścimatānāsana vinyasas to bring ease in the posterior chain and ease the flow of prana in the central channel
Counterpose for paścimatānāsana: pūrvatānāsana
Episode 3
This video shows the counterpose for paścimatānāsana: pūrvatānāsana (the anterior stretch pose)