Modified (yin inspired) Salutations
Relax and Restore
Modified (yin inspired) Salutations. This is a tutorial on a low to the ground salutation inspired by yin yoga postures.
Up Next in Relax and Restore
Yin for Exhaustion and Burn-out
This 45 minute practice is both preventative and therapeutic in nature. Focusing on balancing the heart and kidney meridians by decongesting the large intestine and lungs this is a beautiful practice for our over-worked, over-extended, highly distracted lives. Take time to pause and notice....
Bottoms Up Yin+
This practice involves a modified yin approach involving self "massage" to enhance circulation in the feet, legs, hips and shoulders...some of the most common areas to hold tension in our bodies.
Pure Yin: 45 for hips
This practice is pure Yin yoga. No muscular activation, just time to embrace the experience of each āsana as it is...right now. Focus is on both internal and external rotation of the hips in an intentional and intelligent yin sequence.