"Movement in the spine"
This Week's Features
Yoga asana is more than just movement of the spine. The careful, skillful and art of yoga asana helps to facilitate movement "in the spine" ~ Paul Harvey
This practice incorporates namaskar with mantra, a short standing sequence and long posterior stretch sequence to inspire introspection on this concept of moving towards the interior in our practice.
Up Next in This Week's Features
on the Gunas and Yoga for "Real Life"
dharma talk on the triguna, vinyasa krama practice including khagasana, janu sirsasana, standing marichi and meditative sequence vinyasas ending with nadi shodhana pranayama.
Clearing the "mix up"
Steady practice building to a long sequence of vinyasas in sarvangasana (the shoulder stand). Practice ends with japa on Gayatri Mantra.
Pathway to ākuñcanāsana
In this practice Sukha (Ease/Good Space) cultivated in the meditative sequence informs our approach to ākuñcanāsana vinyasas in headstand (sirsāsana). Practice ends with prānayāma and stillness. Practice not appropriate for beginners.