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Vinyasa Krama
1h 1m
compression and circulating vinyasas for the spine and a good mood :) Ending with Pranayama
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
"Unique" to You
Steady practice building to halasana/paschimottanasana visesa vinyasas and self guided pranayama. This is not a beginner practice.
Inner and outer seams
Vinyasas for the hips and legs (supta padangustasana, paarsvakonasa, ardha padmasana with modifications etc) ending with short and impactful pranayama practice. Day 33 of the 40 days practice.
Prostrations and Patañjali
a focused practice building to the meditative sequence (vajrasana and ustrasana vinyasas) and call and response chanting of the chatush sutrani of the yoga sutras of Patañjali. Day 30 of 40 days practice