Vinyasa Krama

Vinyasa Krama

Based on the tradition of Krishnamacharya, the father of Modern Yoga (or ancient yoga in modern times) this practice is oriented on the breath and its inherent relationship to healthy movement and tranquility of being. A highly intentional blend of movement (vinyasa), staying power (asana and mudra), breathing with (pranayama), and mental focus (dharana) in every class offers a deep(er) experience of what yoga is.

Vinyasa Krama
  • Begin here practice 4

    Final supplementary practice of the Begin here series: incorporating standing balance, shalabhasana and comprehensive pranayama

  • Begin here practice 3

    Supplementary practice #3 to the "Begin here" series: integrating parsva konasana, paschimo uttanasana and pratiloma ujjayi pranayama

  • Begin Here practice 2

    Introduction to trkonasana sequence, preparing for viparita karani and anuloma ujjayi

  • Begin Here Practice 1

    First companion practice from the live "Begin Here" introduction to vinyasa krama course. A 35 minute gentle practice focused on integrating long smooth breathing with movement and finding extended exhale through sound.

  • "Holy night"

    simple and invigorating vinyasa krama and surya bhedana pranayama for the Holidays

  • ardha padma marichyasana

    long on your feet sequence preparing for ardha padma marichyasana sequence + Time to refine Jalandhara bandha

  • Standing Balance and Supine Series

    Strengthen the base and then soften the edges

  • Full Moon Lotus

    Nurturing practice building to Padmasana vinyasas and ending with pranayama

  • Circuitry

    Connecting the circuitry of the spine through marichyasana sub series and friends

  • around and round

    compression and circulating vinyasas for the spine and a good mood :) Ending with Pranayama

  • "Unique" to You

    Steady practice building to halasana/paschimottanasana visesa vinyasas and self guided pranayama. This is not a beginner practice.

  • Inner and outer seams

    Vinyasas for the hips and legs (supta padangustasana, paarsvakonasa, ardha padmasana with modifications etc) ending with short and impactful pranayama practice. Day 33 of the 40 days practice.

  • Prostrations and Patañjali

    a focused practice building to the meditative sequence (vajrasana and ustrasana vinyasas) and call and response chanting of the chatush sutrani of the yoga sutras of Patañjali. Day 30 of 40 days practice

  • Roar from the root

    steady standing, long upavista konasana sequence with yoganrsimhasana. Viloma ujjayi...practice to find mulabandha integrating on exhalation.

  • Invert to free the spine

    Vinyasas in sarvangasana with pratikriya of dhanurasana variations. Sarvangasana relaxes the lower body and increases intervertebral space allowing for a bit more freedom in our bow posture. Ends with pratiloma ujjayi. May do the leg vinyasas lying on the back instead of in shoulder stand if cont...

  • "Movement in the spine"

    Yoga asana is more than just movement of the spine. The careful, skillful and art of yoga asana helps to facilitate movement "in the spine" ~ Paul Harvey
    This practice incorporates namaskar with mantra, a short standing sequence and long posterior stretch sequence to inspire introspection on this...

  • Full Spectrum Well-Being

    vinyasa krama for legs and spine with ample time in key mudra leading to nadi shodhana pranayama. Cleansing and calming well rounded practice.

  • Peaceful Preparation

    Vinyasa Krama for the legs and pelvis alongside Brahmari Pranayama are wonderful preparations for a peaceful pause. Highly recommend stepping right in to your own dharana or mantra practice immediately following.

  • Clearing the "mix up"

    Steady practice building to a long sequence of vinyasas in sarvangasana (the shoulder stand). Practice ends with japa on Gayatri Mantra.

  • Steady On

    This practice is good for moon days or any day you need to simple steadiness. Focused on the Supta padangustasana series and padmasana as preparation for baddha konasana practice ends with cooling pranayama.

  • Pathway to ākuñcanāsana

    In this practice Sukha (Ease/Good Space) cultivated in the meditative sequence informs our approach to ākuñcanāsana vinyasas in headstand (sirsāsana). Practice ends with prānayāma and stillness. Practice not appropriate for beginners.

  • Twist, Fold, Bloom

    Vinyasa to revolve, strengthen, relax and open. Ending with viloma ujjayi pranayama.

  • Balance and the relaxation response

    The marriage of sukha (ease) and sthira (stability) are explored through standing balance vinyasas and attention to breath. Done with attention to not only stability in the body but also fluidity and ease this practice helps us strike a balance between these two key principles. Practice ends with...

  • Massage the spine towards paschimottanāsana

    Rolling vinyasas in halasana and paschimottanasana massage and lengthen the support of the spine and bring an overall sense of calm. Ends with short pranayama practice