Pure Yin: Patience and Growth
Yin and Restorative
1h 11m
This 70 minute yin practice builds towards longer and longer holds. A physical process of exercising patience, acceptance and curiosity in our "growth"
Up Next in Yin and Restorative
Yin for Inner Support: Spleen Meridian
The spleen meridian runs up the inner foot, leg, waist and front of the ribs. It is a yin meridian and by TCM standards is responsible for our connective tissue- literally what supports our bodies (the inner webbing that binds us together). It also is highly responsible for digestion and circulat...
Shoulder and Upper back recovery
Using 2 blocks and 2 rubber balls or tennis balls this practice helps mobilize the fascia around the shoulder girdle and upper back.
Yin for Exhaustion and Burn-out
This 45 minute practice is both preventative and therapeutic in nature. Focusing on balancing the heart and kidney meridians by decongesting the large intestine and lungs this is a beautiful practice for our over-worked, over-extended, highly distracted lives. Take time to pause and notice....