Foundations of Hatha Yoga
7 Seasons
First: 4 part introduction to Vinyasa Krama
a 6 part series broken down into "bite-sized" pieces for new students and seasoned beginners alike!
part 1: foundation of body and breath
part 2: standing poses and the hips
part 3: forward folds
part 4: extension
part 5: twists
part 6: putting it all together
Back to Basics 2.1 Supta Padangusthāsana
Episode 1
Using the floor's feedback this video uses Supta Padangusthāsana or Reclining Big Toe pose to learn internal and external hip rotation in preparation for standing poses
Back to Basics 2.2 Internal Rotation in lunges
Episode 2
This video teaches how to use the feet, shins, thighs and outer hips for stability in lunges.
back to basics 2.3 External Rotation in Trkonasana and Virabhadrāsana 2
Episode 3
This video teaches External Rotation in standing poses: Trkonasana and Virabhadrāsana 2
Back to Basics 2.4 Virabhadrāsana and Pārśvottānāsana
Episode 4
This video teaches the basics of internal rotation in warrior 1 and pyramid poses
Back to basics 2.5 Standing Balance Poses
Episode 5
Learn the fundamentals of internal and external rotation in standing one legged balance poses like the tree pose and standing big toe pose.