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Prānāyāma and Meditation
Loving kindness meditation
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Pranayama & meditation: Upper retenti...
This practice begins with gentle movement and then dives into ujjayi pranayama with antara khumbaka and mantra to build resilience in the lungs and peace in the heart/mind
Pranayama from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika
40 minutes of surya bhedana, ujjayi 2, sitali/sitkara, and bhastrika pranayama followed by dharana on Om. Recommended to do a simple asana practice before hand to prepare the body for a long sit.
Intro to Pratiloma Ujjayi
Pratiloma means against the hair, Ujjayi is the "victorious" breath. A combination of this alternate nostril and ujjayi pranayama allows for a soothing practice to balance the nervous system and ease the mental space.