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Breath, Bandhas, Backbends
Vinyasa Krama
1h 30m
Explores the role of bandhas and proper breathing as preparation for a series of backbends including, prone, supine and ustrasana variations. Ends with pranayama including upper and lower retention (practice only if familiar and comfortable with kumbhaka- not for beginners)
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Sound as a Gateway
Surya namaskar with mantra, strong and supple vinyasas, Viloma Ujjayi and Brahmari pranayama...experience the power of infusing sound in your practice!
Honoring the Sun
A rich practice of Samantraka Surya Namaskar, ardha padmasana and ustrasana vinyasas, pranayama with mantra and dharana on Om.
Steady Body, Open Mind
utkatsana, parsvakonasana, paschimottanasana and supine vinyasas + mudras + relaxing and grounding pranayama. Steady the body, relax and open the mind