Steady On
Vinyasa Krama
This practice is good for moon days or any day you need to simple steadiness. Focused on the Supta padangustasana series and padmasana as preparation for baddha konasana practice ends with cooling pranayama.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Pathway to ākuñcanāsana
In this practice Sukha (Ease/Good Space) cultivated in the meditative sequence informs our approach to ākuñcanāsana vinyasas in headstand (sirsāsana). Practice ends with prānayāma and stillness. Practice not appropriate for beginners.
Twist, Fold, Bloom
Vinyasa to revolve, strengthen, relax and open. Ending with viloma ujjayi pranayama.
Balance and the relaxation response
The marriage of sukha (ease) and sthira (stability) are explored through standing balance vinyasas and attention to breath. Done with attention to not only stability in the body but also fluidity and ease this practice helps us strike a balance between these two key principles. Practice ends with...