Seeing Clearly through Muddy Water
Vinyasa Krama
1h 0m
Yoga teaches us to settle into clarity, to move into stillness, and to surrender to the process. This practice involves both soothing, grounding and invigorating sub series of vinyasas and asana to remind us of how to "settle to see." Class ends with pratiloma Ujjayi pranayama.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
"Wise Open Heart"
This 80 minute live-stream practice focuses on expanding the breath capacity intelligently through upper body opening, backbending and anuloma and pratiloma Ujjayi pranayama.
Space within: Kurmasana
Well rounded practice incorporates sub series around the lower body, spine and shoulders in preparation for kurmasana (the tortoise pose) and ends with 20 minutes pranayama and 10 minutes meditation.
Wisdom, Emptiness and Grace
The 6th paramita of buddhism is Prajna or "wisdom." The action of wisdom requires a willingness to empty ourselves in a way- of old patterns, thoughts, opinions that don't actually "hold water" - in that emptying we become more receptive to Grace. In this practice we explore the concept of emptin...