String Your Bow
Vinyasa Krama
1h 26m
Invigorating and well balanced practice focused on akarna dhanurasana and supine hip opening. Ending in pranayama and meditation to center and focus.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Supine Series to Shoulderstand
This one hour practice involves little demonstration. Close your eyes and enjoy the internal gaze as you follow along. An intelligent sequence from the supine leg raise series to shoulderstand vinyasas. Class ends with viloma ujjayi pranayama
Like Many Reflections of the Sun
Ramaswami says that the vedas teach that each individual Purusa is like a reflection of the Sun in many puddles of water. We all come from the same source and even in our individuality we have the capacity to see one another in one another. Class builds on the samakona sequence including vinyasas...
Spinning around the hip
This practice focuses on the foundation of the half lotus sequence and ends with viloma ujjayi pranayama.