Yin for the Spleen: Faith over Worry
Yin and Restorative
The Spleen meridian when balanced represents faith, intention and honesty. When out of balance we can experience worry, angst and self-doubt. This practice focuses on bringing attention and energy to the inner legs, hips, spine, throat and tongue to balance the Spleen Meridian and ground our energy in faith.
Up Next in Yin and Restorative
Full Moon Yin
55 minute yin and meditation practice with a focus on the kidney and urinary bladder meridians. Gentle movement, lots of stillness, and time for contemplation- a nourishing practice for the Full Moon.
Yin yoga for agitation: cultivating t...
An intelligently sequenced, full body yin practice incorporating side bends, forward folds, backbends, twists, an inversion, breathing and intention with a focus on the heart, liver and small intestine meridians. A wonderful reminder to cultivate kindness, grace, and relationship over anger, gree...
Restorative for Fall- Vata Balancing
This 45 minute restorative yoga practice helps to relieve vata (dryness, stiffness, air) from the digestive system and lower back. A great practice for the Fall transition or anytime you feel the need for grounding and relaxation!