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"Hero to Heart Opening"
Hatha and Flow
This 45 minute hatha yoga practice invigorates the body through deep active holds and dynamic movement in preparation for a mini backbend extravaganza! Meant to make your legs and hips feel open and awake and your spine more supple this practice is simple and effective. All levels appropriate- longer version available under "All Roads to Virasana" Props Needed: 2 yoga blocks and a yoga belt
Up Next in Hatha and Flow
Feathered and Focused: Pincha Mayūrās...
a 45 minute practice building towards various leg positions in the "feathered peacock pose" (pincha mayūrāsana).
Surya Yantrāsana (The Sundial Pose)
This practice focuses on hip opening for the sundial pose (Surya Yantrāsana) and ends with ample time in prānāyāma and meditation.
Awakened heart flow
40 minute alignment based flow