"where's your head?"
Hatha and Flow
1h 28m
Where's your head? How does that inform your heart?
Focusing on the spine and neck alignment and blending side body and heart opening with strength and an alignment based flow this practice hits all the right notes. Ending as always with pranayama and meditation this is your Deep(er) practice for the week!
Up Next in Hatha and Flow
Eka Pāda Rājakapotāsana
A solid 60 minutes of āsana focusing on hip mobility (not just flexibility!) to enter the one legged king pigeon pose and variations. This practice ends with 20 minutes of a guided relaxation/meditation for rejuvenation and calm.
Bharadvājāsana and Parivṛtta halāsana
yoga sutra discussion, chanting and challenging hatha flow to Bharadvājāsana and Parivṛtta halāsana
Theme: Yoga sutra 2.22
Peak Āsana: Bharadvājāsana and Parivṛtta halāsana
Duration: 80 minutesMantra:
Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
Govinda Radhe Jai Shri Radhe
Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam
Gopala Radhe Radhe -
Pincha Mayurāsana and Pals
A challenging (not for beginner) hatha flow practice begins after a longer discussion on Yoga Sutra 2.20 and chanting.
Theme: Yoga Sutra 2.20
Peak Āsana: Pincha Mayurāsana
Length: 100 minutesMantra:
Ong Namo Gurudev Namo
Gurudev Gurudev Namo, Gurudev Gurudev Namo