Happy Heron
Vinyasa Krama
1h 30m
Strong Standing sequence blends in to the assymetrical tiryangmukha eka padasana sequence building towards Krounchasana. Practice ends with advanced viloma ujjayi. This is not for beginners. Do not retain the breath if you are new to pranayama or have contraindications.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Still Standing
Beginning a new year with our foundation. We're still standing friends - this practice honors just that sentiment.
Moon Nectar
Connect to the Soma Chakra through this vinyasa krama practice. Lovely for the full moon or anytime you need to rest in wholeness. Ends with marmasthana relaxation and supine pranayama.
Moon and Mudra
All this is Full, All that is Full :)
Slow, deep practice of standing vinyasas, meditative sequence, and the 4 key mudras of vinyasa krama. Practice ends with soothing pranayama and meditation