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Intimacy with Simplicity
Vinyasa Krama
1h 0m
Breathe in, Breathe out. The place we begin is always the most profound.
This practice focuses on creating ease in the hips and lower body with balance of invigoration and ease.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Monday Morning Medicine
Ding and Surya Namaskara, tiryangmukha ekapada series preparing for back extension and sarvangasana make this practice one to return over and over again :)
Long form: Revolved Vinyasas and Urdh...
This 2 hour practice expands upon the December 23rd Just Yoga practice (Revolved Vinyasas) by adding dwipadapitam and urdhva dhanurasana and a bit longer stay in meditation. Enjoy!
Āñjaneyāsana Vinyasa and Halasana Rol...
This practice focuses on the Āñjaneyāsana-Hanumānāsana Viśeṣa Vinyasa and the Halāsana-paścimottānāsana Viśeṣa Vinyasa and ends with ample time in prānāyāma and meditation.