Prasarita Padatonasana and Samakonasana vinyasas LONG FORM
Vinyasa Krama
1h 55m
Perfect for a long weekend practice or a more spacious day this class explores Prasarita Padatonasana and Samakonasana vinyasas
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
"Cabin Fever"
This 1:45 minute practice is perfect for a weekend practice or a more spacious day. A little more vinyasa (focusing on the supine series), a little longer in asana and equal parts pranayama and meditation. Filmed during global "stay safe at home" measures the intention is to offer a little more t...
Spacious Joy
Dharma talk on Yoga sutra 2.7: the expectation of attachment and spacious joy... followed by vinyasas leading to dhanurasana sub series, nadi shodhana pranayama and full moon meditation.
on the Gunas and Yoga for "Real Life"
dharma talk on the triguna, vinyasa krama practice including khagasana, janu sirsasana, standing marichi and meditative sequence vinyasas ending with nadi shodhana pranayama.