Spacious Joy
Vinyasa Krama
1h 26m
Dharma talk on Yoga sutra 2.7: the expectation of attachment and spacious joy... followed by vinyasas leading to dhanurasana sub series, nadi shodhana pranayama and full moon meditation.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
on the Gunas and Yoga for "Real Life"
dharma talk on the triguna, vinyasa krama practice including khagasana, janu sirsasana, standing marichi and meditative sequence vinyasas ending with nadi shodhana pranayama.
The state of joy
Inspired by a recording from J. Krishnamurti on the inquiry of joy, happiness and pleasure. Krama focused on the legs and hips including sarvangasana and padmasana vinyasas ending with nadi shodhana pranayama
Open and Receive
Full "on your feet" preparation leads us to the camel/walking camel series from the vinyasa krama system. Practice ends with pranayama. A lovely balance of spinal extension and softening all planes.