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Meditative Sequence to Kapotāsana
Vinyasa Krama
1h 39m
Full practice involving vinyasa krama (with a peak of kapotasana- the king pigeon pose), asana as mudra, pranayama and dharana on pranava. 100 minutes of a well balanced sadhana.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Revolved Vinyasas
This 100 minute practice involves many of the revolved vinyasas including parivrtta trkonasana and parivrtta supta padangustasana as well as urdhva konasana. A lovely feeling for the strength and suppleness of the spine! Ending with pranayama and dharana this is the full deep(er) practice you've ...
Walking Camel
an extension of the Vinyasa Krama meditative sequence, the walking camel requires deep focus & attention to breath
Prasarita Padatonasana and Samakonasa...
Perfect for a long weekend practice or a more spacious day this class explores Prasarita Padatonasana and Samakonasana vinyasas