Open the lungs from the anchor point
Vinyasa Krama
1h 28m
beginning by loosening up the spine and shoulders with hasta vinyasas and a comprehensive standing sequence we then work more with the introductory aspects of mula and uddiyana bandha in preparation for a full dhanurasana sequence. Ending with nadi shodhana pranayama.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Mastering the "pairs of opposites"
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali teaches that mastery in asana reveals a mastery over extremes...i.e. equanimity. This vinyasa krama practice builds up to a fun rolling plow sequence to uttana mayurasana to massage the spine and settle the mind.
Aham Prema
A perfect match! Upavista konasana and ustrasana are a lovely pair- experience for yourself! Class ends with chanting for divine love.
Preparation and Prana
Parsvakonasana and Ardha Padmasana Series ending with a long stay in paschimottanasana and sarvangasana mudras. 99.999% of this practice called yoga is all preparation and preservation of the sanctity of prana!