Our first mantra
Vinyasa Krama
Our first mantra- the heartbeat. This practice encourages a deep listening as we navigate standing, seated and inverted vinyasas and asana to open the hips and thighs and to build resilience in the upper body. Ending with meditation on the breath.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Prasarita Padottanāsana and Samakonāsana
This week's Just Yoga practice focuses on standing and seated wide legged folds and inversions, pranayama and dharana on the breath.
Vinyasa to Krounchasana
a continuation on the sequence through akarna dhanurasana practice this class offers vinyasas for the hips and legs to prepare for krounchasana (the heron pose). Ending with pranayama.
Marichyāsana and More
This week the physical practice involves vinyasa krama with progressions to the Marichyasana series, a nice long Paschimotansana, inversions, pranayama and dharana. Yoga Sūtra focus is on PYS 2.30 and the 8-limbed path.