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Peaceful Perserverance
Vinyasa Krama
Our power lies in peaceful perseverance and faith. Practice includes standing and seated vinyasas preparing for the ardha padmasana sub series.
Up Next in Vinyasa Krama
Pārśva bakāsana
90 minutes of vinyasa krama, deep hip opening and specific work in the side crow arm balance (Pārśva bakāsana). Ending with prānāyāma and meditation this is the full practice recipe you've come to love :)
Land Lightly
Working deep within the utkatasana and supta padangustasana krama this class brings stability and space to the lower body
Maha Mudra Vinyasas and Friends
hasta vinyasas, parsva bhangis, utanasana and utkatasana vinyasas, sarvangasana and maha mudra vinyasas to krounchasana. Ends with pranayama.